Read the full post here: Moses had Aaron and a stick. Jesus had 2 fish and five loaves of bread. Yet they managed to free a people from slavery and feed 5,000. Where did this power come from? Could this be part of what the bible refers to as “The Kingdom of God”? The term “free energy” is a modern day buzzword that refers to the creation of energy from sources that does not require an input that has to be paid for. Devices that would be considered “free energy” would produce more power out than it takes to run them, which means that they can power themselves while providing additional output to power a load. You may have heard these devices are all a scam, or even “against the laws of physics”. But let’s take a look at some of the principles behind “free energy” and how they might fall in line with a biblical perspective. Written for the "God in a Nutshell Project" Music Mattia Cupelli